Fwd: Re: Question about concurrent package races and updates

Doug Lea dl at cs.oswego.edu
Mon Jan 23 05:07:33 PST 2012

On 01/23/12 06:19, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> I filed the following bug against this issue:
> CR 7132378: Race in FutureTask if used with explicit set and get ( not Runnable )
> It would appear to be a very specific issue confined to the FutureTask
> implementation.

The underlying moral is that if you don't supply what people
actually want, some will find a way to use what you do provide
that sorta works, and then complain that it doesn't completely work.
We should have provided an "AbstractFuture" that doesn't rely on
a run method. Without it, some people use FutureTask but without ever
running. Which it was not originally designed to to do but now works fine.

> I think the best approach here would be to bring this specific change into the
> JDK8 repository and let it bake there for a while. If there are no problems we
> can then proceed with a request to backport to the 7u-dev repo ( it will most
> likely be a candidate for 7u6 by this time ).
> Sound reasonable?

OK for me.


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