Review for 7153977

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Mar 19 21:38:20 PDT 2012

On 19/03/2012 23:31, Bhavesh Patel wrote:
> Hi Kelly/Dalibor,
>                            I have generated the man pages for 7u4. 
> Apart from the man page source changes, the link pointing to 
> has been modified by the man page generation 
> script to Can you please review these changes?
> Webrev:
> Thanks,
> Bhavesh.
I skimmed through this. For the DisableAttachMechanism option it reads:

" By default, this feature is disabled. That is, attaching is enabled. "

I think is a bit confusing as it gives the initial impression that the 
attach mechanism is disabled. How about this instead: "By default the 
attach mechanism is enabled, use this option to disable it".

I agree with Andrew's comments about the references to JRockit seem odd. 
Maybe there is a migration guide that would be more suitable?

One other thing I notice while looking at the patch is that there are 
references to Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8 but they are very old and I don't 
think JDK7 builds on anything less than Solaris 10, let allow run on 
these older versions. These references are in the Linux man page too but 
maybe there isn't a way to easily remove this section.


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