March 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 01:01:35 PST 2012
Ending: Fri Mar 30 15:42:37 PDT 2012
Messages: 467
- Review request for 7147078: [macosx] Echo char set in TextField doesn't prevent word jumping
Artem Ananiev
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Artem Ananiev
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Artem Ananiev
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Artem Ananiev
- Rule 1
Artem Ananiev
- Result: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Artem Ananiev
- Result: New JDK7u Committer: Leonid Romanov
Artem Ananiev
- [7u6] Code Review Request for CR 7128738 - dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
Artem Ananiev
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145768 [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
Artem Ananiev
- Result: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Artem Ananiev
- Rule 1
Richard Bair
- Request for approval : CR # 7129872 - test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failing on non-Solaris platforms on 7u4
Mala Bankal
- [7u6] Request for review: 7148921 More ProblemList updates (2/2012)
Alan Bateman
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Alan Bateman
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Alan Bateman
- Rule 1
Alan Bateman
- Review for 7153977
Alan Bateman
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124219 - [macosx] Unable to draw images to fullscreen
Andrew Brygin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7152608 - [macosx] Crash in liblwawt.dylib in AccelGlyphCache_RemoveCellInfo
Andrew Brygin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154047 - [macosx] When we choose print one page in the print dialog, it still prints all the pages.
Andrew Brygin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7104147 - the fix for cr6887286 was not appropriate for backporting
David Buck
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7124523 [macosx] b216: Mising part of applet UI
Sergey Bylokhov
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7124537 [macosx] Menu shortcuts for all menu items should be disabled if a menu itself is disabled
Sergey Bylokhov
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7149913 [macosx] Deadlock in LWTextComponentPeer
Sergey Bylokhov
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Sergey Bylokhov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7147066 - [macosx] FileDialog.getDirectory() returns incorrect directory
Dmitry Cherepanov
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7150345: [macosx] Can't type into applets
Dmitry Cherepanov
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7150349: [macosx] Applets attempting to show popup menus activate the applet process
Dmitry Cherepanov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154516: [macosx] Popup menus have no visible borders
Dmitry Cherepanov
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7156194: [macosx] Can't type non-ASCII characters into applets
Dmitry Cherepanov
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7156191: [macosx] Can't type into applet demos in Pivot
Dmitry Cherepanov
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7105952 Improve finalisation for FileInputStream/FileOutputStream/RandomAccessFile
Seán Coffey
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7123582 (7148499): (launcher) display the -version and -XshowSettings
Seán Coffey
- jdk7u/jdk7u4 and jdk7u/jdk7u-dev
Seán Coffey
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133138 : Improve io performance around timezone lookups
Seán Coffey
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7144488: Infinite recursion for some equals tests in Collections
Seán Coffey
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7148584 Jar tools fails to generate manifest correctly when boundary condition hit
Seán Coffey
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
John Coomes
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Daniel D. Daugherty
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7136506 FDS: rework jdk repo Full Debug Symbols support
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7136506 FDS: rework jdk repo Full Debug Symbols support
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7155051 - DNS provider may return incorrect results
Xuelei Fan
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7146099 - NLS: [de, es, it, ko, pt_BR]launcher_**.properties, double backslash issue.
Michael Fang
- jdk7u4-b16 l10n integration complete
Michael Fang
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154758 : NLS: 7u4 message drop 20
Michael Fang
- jdk7u4-b17 l10n integration complete
Michael Fang
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7090832 Some locale info are not localized for some languages.
Michael Fang
- OS X preview only installs on Lion?
Henri Gomez
- OS X preview only installs on Lion?
Henri Gomez
- jdk7u/jdk7u4 and jdk7u/jdk7u-dev
Henri Gomez
- jdk7u/jdk7u4 and jdk7u/jdk7u-dev
Henri Gomez
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7118280 - The gbyc00102 JCK7 test causes an assert in JVM 7.0 fastdebug mode
Paul Hohensee
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7110104 - It should be possible to stop and start JMX Agent at runtime
Paul Hohensee
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7092140 - Test: java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ fails on SE-E due to -XX:-UsePerfData
David Holmes
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval CR 7074616: fails
David Holmes
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Jim Holmlund
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Leonid Romanov
Andrew Hughes
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7049339: AnyBlit is broken with non-rectangular clips
Andrew Hughes
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7049339: AnyBlit is broken with non-rectangular clips
Andrew Hughes
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7049339: AnyBlit is broken with non-rectangular clips
Andrew Hughes
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Andrew Hughes
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Andrew Hughes
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Andrew Hughes
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval CR 7074616: fails
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval CR 7074616: fails
Andrew Hughes
- Review for 7153977
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Andrew Hughes
- Review for 7153977
Andrew Hughes
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7130241 - [macosx] TransparentRuler demo can not run due to lacking of perpixel transparency support
Alexander Kouznetsov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7132692 - [macosx] Class not functioning
Scott Kovatch
- Result: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Scott Kovatch
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Staffan Larsen
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Staffan Larsen
- Request for approval: 7148143
Sergey Malenkov
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7148143 - PropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener can throw ClassCastException
Sergey Malenkov
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Michael McMahon
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Michael McMahon
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7134701 [macosx] Support legacy native library names
Michael McMahon
- Memory leak of objects
Anton Mironenko
- Memory leak of objects
Anton Mironenko
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7146431: files out-of-sync
Sean Mullan
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b17
Alejandro E Murillo
- jdk7u4-b16: HotSpot
Alejandro E Murillo
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b18
Alejandro E Murillo
- jdk7u4-b17: HotSpot
Alejandro E Murillo
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b19
Alejandro E Murillo
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b19
Alejandro E Murillo
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b19
Alejandro E Murillo
- jdk7u4-b18: HotSpot
Alejandro E Murillo
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Igor Nekrestyanov
- Rule 1
Igor Nekrestyanov
- OS X preview only installs on Lion?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Kelly O'Hair
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Kelly O'Hair
- Review for 7153977
Kelly O'Hair
- Memory leak of objects
Frederic Parain
- Memory leak of objects
Frederic Parain
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval CR 7074616: fails
Frederic Parain
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval CR 7074616: fails
Frederic Parain
- [7u6] Request approval CR 7074616: fails
Frederic Parain
- Review for 7153977
Bhavesh Patel
- Review for 7153977
Bhavesh Patel
- Review for 7155419
Bhavesh Patel
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7153977 - Generate English man pages for JDK 7u4
Bhavesh Patel
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7155419 - Remove reference to JRockit and commercial features from java man page
Bhavesh Patel
- [7u6] Code Review Request for CR 7128738 - dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
Oleg Pekhovskiy
- [7u6] Code Review Request for CR 7128738 - dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
Oleg Pekhovskiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7128738 - dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
Oleg Pekhovskiy
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- [7u6] Code Review Request for 7146728 Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- [7u6] Code Review Request for 7146728 Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7146728 Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Leonid Romanov
Anthony Petrov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7150516 - [macosx] appletviewer shouldn't link against libX11 on the Mac
Anthony Petrov
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Anthony Petrov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7148275 - [macosx] setIconImages() not working correctly (distorted icon when minimized)
Anthony Petrov
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Anthony Petrov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124428: [macosx] Frame.setExtendedState() doesn't work for undecorated windows
Anthony Petrov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7149085: [macosx] Quit with QuitStrategy CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS does terminate application
Anthony Petrov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154177: [macosx] An invisible owner frame becomes visible upon clicking a child window
Anthony Petrov
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7107099 - JScrollBar does not show up even if there are enough lebgth of textstring in textField
Pavel Porvatov
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7107099 - JScrollBar does not show up even if there are enough lebgth of textstring in textField
Pavel Porvatov
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7027139 - getFirstIndex() does not return the first index that has changed
Pavel Porvatov
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 6888634 - test/closed/javax/swing/Popup/ fails
Pavel Porvatov
- Review request for 7147078: [macosx] Echo char set in TextField doesn't prevent word jumping
Alexander Potochkin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7146131: [macosx] When click the show optionpane button,it display partly of dialog and hung until timeout
Alexander Potochkin
- 7u4] Request for approval: 7147078: [macosx] Echo char set in TextField doesn't prevent word jumping
Alexander Potochkin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7144065: [macosx] Orphaned Choice popup window
Alexander Potochkin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for 7144065: [macosx] Orphaned Choice popup window
Alexander Potochkin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7152952: [macosx] List rows overlap with enlarged font
Alexander Potochkin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7149005: [macosx] Java Control Panel's UI controls are distorted when draging scroll bar.
Alexander Potochkin
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Phil Race
- Rule 1
Phil Race
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124321: [macosx] TrayIcon MouseListener is never triggered
Leonid Romanov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7150089: [macosx] Default for a custom cursor created from non-existent image is not transparent
Leonid Romanov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124286: [macosx] Option modifier should work like AltGr as in Apple jdk 6
Leonid Romanov
- jdk7u/jdk7u4 and jdk7u/jdk7u-dev
Abhijit Saha
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Abhijit Saha
- 7u4-b16 sync into 7u master forest
Abhijit Saha
- Request for approval : CR # 7129872 - test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failing on non-Solaris platforms on 7u4
Abhijit Saha
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7110104 - It should be possible to stop and start JMX Agent at runtime
Dmitry Samersoff
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7118280 - The gbyc00102 JCK7 test causes an assert in JVM 7.0 fastdebug mode
Dmitry Samersoff
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133571 - closed/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/ fails on MacOS
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7148281 - [macosx] JTabbedPane tabs with HTML text do not render correctly
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7130521 - closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/ failed on macosx
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133566 - closed/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/ fails on MacOS
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133573 - closed/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/ fails on MacOS
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133581 - closed/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/ fails on MacOS
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7132808 - closed/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/ fails on MacOS
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7132808 - closed/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/ fails on MacOS
Alexander Scherbatiy
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7141141 - Add 3 new test scenarios for testing Main-Class attribute in jar manifest file
Kumar Srinivasan
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Kumar Srinivasan
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Kumar Srinivasan
- Review for 7155419
Kumar Srinivasan
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7107099 - JScrollBar does not show up even if there are enough lebgth of textstring in textField
Mike Swingler
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Mike Swingler
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7149005: [macosx] Java Control Panel's UI controls are distorted when draging scroll bar.
Mike Swingler
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7125044 - [macosx] Test failure because Component.transferFocus() works differently in applet and application
Anton V. Tarasov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145827: [macosx] JCK failure in b11: FocusableWindow3
Anton V. Tarasov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145768 [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
Anton V. Tarasov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154072 [macosx] swallowing key events
Anton V. Tarasov
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145768 [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
Anton V. Tarasov
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7149785: Minor corrections to ScriptEngineManager javadoc
Pavel Tisnovsky
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7149785: Minor corrections to ScriptEngineManager javadoc
Pavel Tisnovsky
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Leonid Romanov
Dalibor Topic
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Dalibor Topic
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7110396 - Sound code fails to build with gcc 4.6 on multiarch Linux systems
Dalibor Topic
- [7u6] Request for review: 7148921 More ProblemList updates (2/2012)
Dalibor Topic
- Approval request for CR 7147456
Dalibor Topic
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7141141 - Add 3 new test scenarios for testing Main-Class attribute in jar manifest file
Dalibor Topic
- Possible bug in detecting imports
Dalibor Topic
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7117167: Misc warnings in java.lang.invoke and sun.invoke.*
Dalibor Topic
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Dalibor Topic
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Dalibor Topic
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7141141 - Add 3 new test scenarios for testing Main-Class attribute in jar manifest file
Dalibor Topic
- Rule 1
Dalibor Topic
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Dalibor Topic
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs
Dalibor Topic
- Review for 7155419
Dalibor Topic
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7153977 - Generate English man pages for JDK 7u4
Dalibor Topic
- Review for 7153977
Dalibor Topic
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Scott Kovatch
Mario Torre
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7147666 : High lock time for
Joe Wang
- [7u4] Request for Phase 2 approval for CR 7150637: No newline emitted after XML decl in XSLT output
Joe Wang
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7151484 : NullPointerException caused by a bug in XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl
Joe Wang
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7151484 : NullPointerException caused by a bug in XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl
Joe Wang
- jdk7u/jdk7u4 and jdk7u/jdk7u-dev
Wei-jun Wang
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 6961765: Double byte characters corrupted in DN for LDAP referrals
Weijun Wang
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7144530: KeyTab.getInstance(String) no longer handles keyTabNames with "file:" prefix
Weijun Wang
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7144530: KeyTab.getInstance(String) no longer handles keyTabNames with "file:" prefix
Weijun Wang
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7087428: move client tests out of jdk_misc
Weijun Wang
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7149785: Minor corrections to ScriptEngineManager javadoc
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7132793: [macosx] setWheelScrollEnabled action reversed
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7146131: [macosx] When click the show optionpane button, it display partly of dialog and hung until timeout
Edvard Wendelin
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7107099 - JScrollBar does not show up even if there are enough lebgth of textstring in textField
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7150516 - [macosx] appletviewer shouldn't link against libX11 on the Mac
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7105952 Improve finalisation for FileInputStream/FileOutputStream/RandomAccessFile
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7123582 (7148499): (launcher) display the -version and -XshowSettings
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7147066 - [macosx] FileDialog.getDirectory() returns incorrect directory
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7148143 - PropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener can throw ClassCastException
Edvard Wendelin
- 7u4] Request for approval: 7147078: [macosx] Echo char set in TextField doesn't prevent word jumping
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7147666 : High lock time for
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133571 - closed/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/ fails on MacOS
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7148281 - [macosx] JTabbedPane tabs with HTML text do not render correctly
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7146431: files out-of-sync
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7150516 - [macosx] appletviewer shouldn't link against libX11 on the Mac
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7110396 - Sound code fails to build with gcc 4.6 on multiarch Linux systems
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124219 - [macosx] Unable to draw images to fullscreen
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for review: 7148921 More ProblemList updates (2/2012)
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7144530: KeyTab.getInstance(String) no longer handles keyTabNames with "file:" prefix
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 6961765: Double byte characters corrupted in DN for LDAP referrals
Edvard Wendelin
- Request for approval : CR # 7129872 - test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failing on non-Solaris platforms on 7u4
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7049339: AnyBlit is broken with non-rectangular clips
Edvard Wendelin
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124262 - [macosx] Drag events go to a wrong child.
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7144065: [macosx] Orphaned Choice popup window
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7148275 - [macosx] setIconImages() not working correctly (distorted icon when minimized)
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7124537 [macosx] Menu shortcuts for all menu items should be disabled if a menu itself is disabled
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7149913 [macosx] Deadlock in LWTextComponentPeer
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval: 7124523 [macosx] b216: Mising part of applet UI
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7092140 - Test: java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ fails on SE-E due to -XX:-UsePerfData
Edvard Wendelin
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7146099 - NLS: [de, es, it, ko, pt_BR]launcher_**.properties, double backslash issue.
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7125044 - [macosx] Test failure because Component.transferFocus() works differently in applet and application
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124321: [macosx] TrayIcon MouseListener is never triggered
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7027139 - getFirstIndex() does not return the first index that has changed
Edvard Wendelin
- Rule 1
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b17
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133138 : Improve io performance around timezone lookups
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7144488: Infinite recursion for some equals tests in Collections
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7148584 Jar tools fails to generate manifest correctly when boundary condition hit
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7130241 - [macosx] TransparentRuler demo can not run due to lacking of perpixel transparency support
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145827: [macosx] JCK failure in b11: FocusableWindow3
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7152608 - [macosx] Crash in liblwawt.dylib in AccelGlyphCache_RemoveCellInfo
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for 7144065: [macosx] Orphaned Choice popup window
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7150345: [macosx] Can't type into applets
Edvard Wendelin
- Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154758 : NLS: 7u4 message drop 20
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b18
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7130521 - closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/ failed on macosx
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133566 - closed/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/ fails on MacOS
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7150349: [macosx] Applets attempting to show popup menus activate the applet process
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133581 - closed/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/ fails on MacOS
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7133573 - closed/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/ fails on MacOS
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7150089: [macosx] Default for a custom cursor created from non-existent image is not transparent
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124428: [macosx] Frame.setExtendedState() doesn't work for undecorated windows
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145768 [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7128738 - dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7149085: [macosx] Quit with QuitStrategy CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS does terminate application
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7145768 [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154177: [macosx] An invisible owner frame becomes visible upon clicking a child window
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for Phase 2 approval for CR 7144063: [macosx] Swing JMenu mnemonic doesn't work; hint misleading; cross symbol typed
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for Phase 2 approval for CR 7150637: No newline emitted after XML decl in XSLT output
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154072 [macosx] swallowing key events
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154516: [macosx] Popup menus have no visible borders
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7124286: [macosx] Option modifier should work like AltGr as in Apple jdk 6
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request approval CR 7074616: fails
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7149005: [macosx] Java Control Panel's UI controls are distorted when draging scroll bar.
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for CR 7155419 - Remove reference to JRockit and commercial features from java man page
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7104147 - the fix for cr6887286 was not appropriate for backporting
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7132808 - closed/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/ fails on MacOS
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7136506 FDS: rework jdk repo Full Debug Symbols support
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 6888634 - test/closed/javax/swing/Popup/ fails
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7087428: move client tests out of jdk_misc
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7155051 - DNS provider may return incorrect results
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for 7153735: [macosx] Text with diacritics is pasted with broken encoding
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs23-b19
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7156194: [macosx] Can't type non-ASCII characters into applets
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7154047 - [macosx] When we choose print one page in the print dialog, it still prints all the pages.
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for 7156191: [macosx] Can't type into applet demos in Pivot
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7146728 Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7142172: Custom TrustManagers that return null for getAcceptedIssuers will NPE
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u6] Request for approval for CR 7151484 : NullPointerException caused by a bug in XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl
Edvard Wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7134701 [macosx] Support legacy native library names
Edvard Wendelin
- Review for 7155419
Brad Wetmore
- Review for 7153977
Brad Wetmore
- [7u6] Code Review Request for 7146728 Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
Brad Wetmore
- [7u6] Code Review Request for 7146728 Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
Brad Wetmore
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7142172: Custom TrustManagers that return null for getAcceptedIssuers will NPE
Brad Wetmore
- Request for approval : CR # 7129872 - test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failing on non-Solaris platforms on 7u4
Brad Wetmore
- Request for approval : CR # 7129872 - test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failing on non-Solaris platforms on 7u4
Brad Wetmore
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Leonid Romanov
Alexander Zuev
- CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mike Swingler
Alexander Zuev
- [7u4] Request for Phase 2 approval for CR 7144063: [macosx] Swing JMenu mnemonic doesn't work; hint misleading; cross symbol typed
Alexander Zuev
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for 7153735: [macosx] Text with diacritics is pasted with broken encoding
Alexander Zuev
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 3 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u: 4 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/corba: 4 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot: 11 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxp: 7 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxws: 4 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk: 21 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/langtools: 5 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: 51 new changesets
abhi.saha at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7130241: [macosx] TransparentRuler demo can not run due to lacking of perpixel transparency support
alexander.kouznetsov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7124262: [macosx] Drag events go to a wrong child.
alexander.zuev at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7124321: [macosx] TrayIcon MouseListener is never triggered
alexander.zuev at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7144063: [macosx] Swing JMenu mnemonic doesn't work; hint misleading; cross symbol typed
alexander.zuev at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7153735: [macosx] Text with diacritics is pasted with broken encoding
alexander.zuev at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7133571: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/ fails on MacOS
alexandr.scherbatiy at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7148281: [macosx] JTabbedPane tabs with HTML text do not render correctly
alexandr.scherbatiy at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7130521: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/ failed on macosx
alexandr.scherbatiy at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7133566: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/ fails on MacOS
alexandr.scherbatiy at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7133573: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/ fails on MacOS
alexandr.scherbatiy at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7133581: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/ fails on MacOS
alexandr.scherbatiy at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7124219: [macosx] Unable to draw images to fullscreen
andrew.brygin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7152608: [macosx] Crash in liblwawt.dylib in AccelGlyphCache_RemoveCellInfo
andrew.brygin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7154047: [macosx] When we choose print one page in the print dialog, it still prints all the pages.
andrew.brygin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7150516: [macosx] appletviewer shouldn't link against libX11 on the Mac
anthony.petrov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7148275: [macosx] setIconImages() not working correctly (distorted icon when minimized)
anthony.petrov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7154177: [macosx] An invisible owner frame becomes visible upon clicking a child window
anthony.petrov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7124428: [macosx] Frame.setExtendedState() doesn't work for undecorated windows
anthony.petrov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7149085: [macosx] Quit with QuitStrategy CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS does terminate application
anthony.petrov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7145827: [macosx] JCK failure in b11: FocusableWindow3
anton.tarasov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7145768: [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
anton.tarasov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7154072: [macosx] swallowing key events
anton.tarasov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7149005: [macosx] Java Control Panel's UI controls are distorted when draging scroll bar.
anton.tarasov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset b98436f0ff70 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/corba: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset f18c50ad8f76 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset bca9e76ea254 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset 2b8fd45212c5 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset 475b7c5f0e16 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset 8e8cedfb1ee2 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/langtools: Added tag jdk7u6-b03 for changeset 039b1ce6c63f at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset 21d4722185b9 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/corba: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset c2eb741b947d at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset f1b786625e0c at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset 02400887d8c8 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset 5ccaa7bb5f64 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset 084825fc677e at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/langtools: Added tag jdk7u4-b18 for changeset c65b573ccae3 at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7110396: Sound code fails to build with gcc 4.6 on multiarch Linux systems
dalibor.topic at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7148921: More ProblemList updates (2/2012)
dalibor.topic at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev: 7136506: FDS: rework jdk repo Full Debug Symbols support
daniel.daugherty at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7136506: FDS: rework jdk repo Full Debug Symbols support
daniel.daugherty at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7092140: Test: java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ fails on SE-E due to -XX:-UsePerfData
david.holmes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset 008753000680
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/corba: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset d9bf21b76f09
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset 1c483d994a78
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset 36490d49683f
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset 61516652b59e
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset 00f0f18379ec
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/langtools: Added tag jdk7u4-b15 for changeset 0bea057f7ce1
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset d9580838fd08
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/corba: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset 6a262c36caeb
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset 82e719a2e641
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset 82c5b3166b31
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset 0f8963feaefd
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset 09f612bac047
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/langtools: Added tag jdk7u6-b01 for changeset 0e55881c2ee2
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset 901b753e13ee
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/corba: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset bfca64f13d58
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset c6a96f7a781d
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset 5c881231f116
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset f315a2603575
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset df20c60949f8
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/langtools: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset b05d9de90932
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset f0b9ae49261d
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/corba: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset e3fbf686ef87
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset 6b71938ee832
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset 6211e6e5c90e
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset 277b853cadc2
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset 420027ae37b3
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/langtools: Added tag jdk7u6-b02 for changeset 5765d01e2263
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset 89e8d9a0f6f1
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/corba: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset e2a9fe67e059
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset e266ffd6a7d7
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset 77a453ae863f
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset 2579444eddbd
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset b4401b362fd8
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/langtools: Added tag jdk7u4-b17 for changeset 80552e34be80
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7147066: [macosx] FileDialog.getDirectory() returns incorrect directory
dmitry.cherepanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7150345: [macosx] Can't type into applets
dmitry.cherepanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7150349: [macosx] Applets attempting to show popup menus activate the applet process
dmitry.cherepanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7154516: [macosx] Popup menus have no visible borders
dmitry.cherepanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7074616: fails
frederic.parain at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7156831: The jcmd man page is not included in generated bundles
frederic.parain at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jaxp: 7147666: High lock time for at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jaxp: 7150637: No newline emitted after XML decl in XSLT output at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: 2 new changesets
igor.nekrestyanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/hotspot: 7 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: 7 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u4-b16 for changeset c6a96f7a781d
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/hotspot: 5 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: 5 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/hotspot: 52 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/hotspot: 14 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: 14 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7141141: Add 3 new test scenarios for testing Main-Class attribute in jar manifest file
kumar.x.srinivasan at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: 15 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- jdk7u-b16: jdk7u4-dev
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/corba: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jaxws: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/hotspot: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/langtools: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jaxp: 4 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk: 25 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- jdk7u-b03: jdk7u-dev
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev: 6 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/corba: 6 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jaxws: 6 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/hotspot: 13 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jaxp: 9 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/langtools: 7 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 26 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: 27 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- jdk7u-b18: jdk7u4-dev
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/corba: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jaxws: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/langtools: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jaxp: 4 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7124286: [macosx] Option modifier should work like AltGr as in Apple jdk 6
leonid.romanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7150089: [macosx] Default for a custom cursor created from non-existent image is not transparent
leonid.romanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7154480: [macosx] Not all popup menu items are visible
leonid.romanov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 3 new changesets
nils.loodin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7107099: JScrollBar does not show up even if there are enough lebgth of textstring in textField
pavel.porvatov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7027139: getFirstIndex() does not return the first index that has changed
pavel.porvatov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 6888634: test/closed/javax/swing/Popup/ fails
pavel.porvatov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7104147: the fix for cr6887286 was not appropriate for backporting
poonam.bajaj at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7123582: (launcher) display the -version and -XshowSettings; ...
sean.coffey at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7105952: Improve finalisation for FileInputStream/FileOutputStream/RandomAccessFile
sean.coffey at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 3 new changesets
sean.coffey at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 3 new changesets
sergey.bylokhov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7148143: PropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener can throw ClassCastException
sergey.malenkov at
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
serguei.spitsyn at
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
serguei.spitsyn at
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
serguei.spitsyn at
- [7u4] Request for approval for 7123170: JCK vm/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexh001/resexh00101/ tests fails since 7u4 b02
serguei.spitsyn at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7146728: Inconsistent length for the generated secret using DH key agreement impl from SunJCE and PKCS11
valerie.peng at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 2 new changesets at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7087428: move client tests out of jdk_misc at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev: 7087428: move client tests out of jdk_misc at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7155051: DNS provider may return incorrect results at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 2 new changesets
ahughes at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7149785: Minor corrections to ScriptEngineManager javadoc
ptisnovs at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7132793: [macosx] setWheelScrollEnabled action reversed
alexander.potochkin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7146131: [macosx] When click the show optionpane button, it display partly of dialog and hung until timeout
alexander.potochkin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7147078: [macosx] Echo char set in TextField doesn't prevent word jumping
alexander.potochkin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7149005: [macosx] Orphaned Choice popup window
alexander.potochkin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7152952: [macosx] List rows overlap with enlarged font
alexander.potochkin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7125044: [macosx] Test failure because Component.transferFocus() works differently in applet and application
anton.tarasov at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7153977: Generate English man pages for JDK 7u4
bhavesh.patel at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 2 new changesets
bhavesh.patel at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset d9580838fd08
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/corba: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset 6a262c36caeb
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/hotspot: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset 82e719a2e641
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxp: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset 82c5b3166b31
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jaxws: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset 0f8963feaefd
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/jdk: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset 09f612bac047
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/langtools: Added tag jdk7u4-b14 for changeset 0e55881c2ee2
david.katleman at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4-dev/jdk: 7145980: Dispose method of takes long
denis.fokin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 7128738: dragged dialog freezes system on dispose
denis.fokin at
- hg: jdk7u/jdk7u4/langtools: 7154758: NLS: 7u4 message drop 20
michael.fang at
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7090832 Some locale info are not localized for some languages.
Edvard wendelin
- [7u4] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7132692 - [macosx] Class not functioning
niagarasoft20-macosxportdev at
- Memory leak of objects
Мироненко Антон
Last message date:
Fri Mar 30 15:42:37 PDT 2012
Archived on: Tue Dec 24 12:00:23 PST 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).