Review for 7153977

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Wed Mar 21 18:19:41 PDT 2012

On 3/20/12 2:16 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> Is this patch in OpenJDK8?  My understanding was that patches had to go there first.

It's possible for a change to go here first. It takes a bit more work, from my POV, 
since what is often a simple backport from 8 to 7u resulting in the identical change 
with often a quick approval by a maintainer then turns into a change that needs its own 
separate review thread for 7u (since the identical change is not in 8 already), which 
may take a couple of days on its own and, of course, the obligatory maintainer approval.

I'd also add that some changes can be so 7u specific, that it makes no sense for them 
to go into 8 first or at all.

But in general, yeah - fixes should (and mostly do, afaict) go into 8 first.

dalibor topic
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