[7u]: patches for the jdk jtreg tests for non US locale

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Oct 28 00:53:12 PDT 2013

On 26/10/2013 17:22, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> Hi
> Here patches for making the jdk jtreg tests succeed
Just an FYI that one of the ground rules for the jdk7u project [1] is 
that fixes go into jdk8 first. This means that you probably should bring 
these patches to appropriate mailing list for 
discussion/review/sponsorship before bringing them to the jdk7u-dev list.

> 1/ java.util.logging jtreg tests working in a country where the locale 
> is different from en_US
The tests can be run in several different ways, only othervm (the 
default) always starts up a new VM for each test. I bring this up 
because changing the default locale could potentially impact (or change 
the behavior) of tests that run subsequently in the same VM. Where a 
test needs to  change the default locale then it should probably restore 
it before the test completes (you'll see other tests that do this). That 
said, I'm surprised that we issues with these tests haven't been caught 


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/groundrules.html

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