[7u]: patches for the jdk jtreg tests for non US locale

Francis ANDRE francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr
Mon Oct 28 10:12:08 PDT 2013

Hi Alan

Le 28/10/2013 08:53, Alan Bateman a écrit :
> On 26/10/2013 17:22, Francis ANDRE wrote:
>> Hi
>> Here patches for making the jdk jtreg tests succeed
> Just an FYI that one of the ground rules for the jdk7u project [1] is that 
> fixes go into jdk8 first. This means that you probably should bring these 
> patches to appropriate mailing list for discussion/review/sponsorship before 
> bringing them to the jdk7u-dev list.
I am not working on jdk8 so that's why I addressed those change to the jdk7u-dev 
list. That's already a somewhat important effort to master jdk7u on a 
WXP/Cygwin/VS2010 platform.  Ok, I will go also to the jdk8 to follow the rules.
>> 1/ java.util.logging jtreg tests working in a country where the locale is 
>> different from en_US
> The tests can be run in several different ways, only othervm (the default) 
> always starts up a new VM for each test. I bring this up because changing the 
> default locale could potentially impact (or change the behavior) of tests that 
> run subsequently in the same VM. Where a test needs to  change the default 
> locale then it should probably restore it before the test completes (you'll 
> see other tests that do this). That said, I'm surprised that we issues with 
> these tests haven't been caught before.
> -Alan.
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/groundrules.html

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