[7u-dev] Request for approval: 8023393 and 7121403: [TESTBUG] runtime/7051189/Xchecksig.sh fails on 64bit solaris

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Wed Apr 30 10:48:49 UTC 2014

OK - I'm not sure why 8035156 is mentioned then.

The changeset addresses two bug fixes like you say : 8023393 and 7121403 
(updated subject line)
I'd suggest that 8035156 is closed out as a duplicate.

8023393 and 7121403 : Approved.


On 30/04/14 11:32, Vladimir Kempik wrote:
> Hello
> Did you mean 8-na on 8035156 ? than yeah, it should get 8-na probably
> 7121403 and 8023393 are already in 8 and 9.
> Thanks. Vladimir
> On 30.04.2014 13:04, Seán Coffey wrote:
>> Is this applicable for JDK 8 ? I don't see an 8-na label.
>> regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 29/04/14 16:39, Vladimir Kempik wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> please approve an identical backport of the fix to jdk7u-dev.
>>> There is a testbug with Xchecksig.sh in jdk7u, 
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8035156.
>>> After we have updated testlibrary in jdk7, this bug can be fixed by 
>>> simple backport of https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7121403 
>>> to jdk7.
>>> The original commit fixed two bugs, 8023393 and 7121403:
>>> 7121403: [TESTBUG] runtime/7051189/Xchecksig.sh fails on 64bit solaris
>>> 8023393: Need to suppress info message if -Xcheck:jni used with 
>>> libjsig.dylab on Mac OSX
>>> Summary: Rewrite 7051189 test in Java, port Linux fix for 7051189 to 
>>> Mac OSX.
>>> The bug:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7121403
>>> and
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8023393
>>> The review thread:
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-runtime-dev/2013-August/008743.html 
>>> The jdk8u changeset:
>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u-dev/hotspot/rev/3a57fa7a4cd0
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vladimir

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