Question on 8024648 : 8016131 breaks Zero port

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at
Sun Jan 19 14:31:17 PST 2014

On 17/01/14 21:34, Andrew wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Omair, Andrew,
>> Are one of you handling this fix for 7u forest ? It's still marked as
>> unresolved.
> We're both pretty snowed under with the security updates at the moment.
> I don't think it'd be a matter of just blindly backporting a fix.  I'd need
> to make sure Zero builds on 7u60 as changes have no doubt gone in since,
> which have probably broken things further.
> What's the forest for u60 at the moment?  Has it forked?  How do I go about
> actually getting fixes in?
7u60 forest should fork on January 22nd :

If you provide the final patch to Alejandro, he can help to get this fix 
tested and pushed.

>> regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 17/12/2013 17:35, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>> Correct - and in the case of hotspot fixes, you can push them over to
>>> alejandro.murillo at
>>> regards,
>>> Sean.
>>> On 17/12/2013 17:31, Andrew wrote:
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> Andrew, Omair,
>>>>> I was cleaning up some 7u60 bug records today. Have you got plans to
>>>>> contribute a fix for JDK-8024648 ? It looks like JDK-8022188 would
>>>>> resolve the issue also but neither fix is in the jdk7u-dev codebase
>>>>> yet.
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> Sean.
>>>> I was under the impression that HotSpot fixes were brought in via
>>>> bulk import
>>>> and we weren't allowed to commit individual fixes?

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