[7u-communication] Pushing into the right forest for 7u60

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Wed Jan 22 07:01:25 PST 2014


in order to make our life a bit simpler, I'd like to propose that 
changes destined for 7u60, once we create the stabilization forest, go 
into jdk7u-dev first, and then get pulled over into jdk7u60(-dev).

In other words, all approved changes would go straight to jdk7u-dev, and 
just the ones approved for 7u60 with the corresponding label would then 
be picked out and regularly (but typically not instantly) integrated 
into the 7u60 stabilization forest by one of the Maintainers.

The benefit of this approach is that we won't run into the 
post-stabilization-forest-creation phenomenon of developers wondering 
which particular forest to push their particular change to, and 
sometimes ending up sending me e-mails to figure out if they had made 
some critical error in the process and pushed to the wrong place. ;)

In addition, this approach simplifies synchronization between the 
stabilization forest and the jdk7u-dev forest, as there would be only 
one direction in which the changes would flow - into jdk7u-dev and from 
there to the stabilization forest.

In terms of process documents, that means changing the last line of 
http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/phase2/phase2-process.html from

"Fixes to the regular 7u-dev forest follow the normal approval template 


"Fixes approved for the stabilization forest are pushed to the jdk7u-dev 
forest by a Committer. They are integrated into the stabilization forest 
by a Maintainer. Fixes not destined for the stabilization forest follow 
the normal approval template process and upon approval, are pushed into 
the jdk7u-dev forest."

dalibor topic
<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
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