[7u-communication] Pushing into the right forest for 7u60

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Fri Jan 24 08:07:55 PST 2014

Since I haven't seen any further feedback, I'll go ahead and update the 
process document accordingly.

dalibor topic

On 22.01.2014 16:01, dalibor topic wrote:
> Hi,
> in order to make our life a bit simpler, I'd like to propose that
> changes destined for 7u60, once we create the stabilization forest, go
> into jdk7u-dev first, and then get pulled over into jdk7u60(-dev).
> In other words, all approved changes would go straight to jdk7u-dev, and
> just the ones approved for 7u60 with the corresponding label would then
> be picked out and regularly (but typically not instantly) integrated
> into the 7u60 stabilization forest by one of the Maintainers.
> The benefit of this approach is that we won't run into the
> post-stabilization-forest-creation phenomenon of developers wondering
> which particular forest to push their particular change to, and
> sometimes ending up sending me e-mails to figure out if they had made
> some critical error in the process and pushed to the wrong place. ;)
> In addition, this approach simplifies synchronization between the
> stabilization forest and the jdk7u-dev forest, as there would be only
> one direction in which the changes would flow - into jdk7u-dev and from
> there to the stabilization forest.
> In terms of process documents, that means changing the last line of
> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/phase2/phase2-process.html from
> "Fixes to the regular 7u-dev forest follow the normal approval template
> process."
> to
> "Fixes approved for the stabilization forest are pushed to the jdk7u-dev
> forest by a Committer. They are integrated into the stabilization forest
> by a Maintainer. Fixes not destined for the stabilization forest follow
> the normal approval template process and upon approval, are pushed into
> the jdk7u-dev forest."
> cheers,
> dalibor topic

<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
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