jdk7u-b01: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Mar 17 22:34:35 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-7122142   core-libs       (ann) Race condition between isAnnotationPresent and getAnnotations
JDK-7176574   security-libs   sun/security/krb5/auto/TcpTimeout.java failed with solaris-i586
JDK-7185456   core-libs       (ann) Optimize Annotation handling in java/sun.reflect.* code for small number of annotationsC
JDK-8005232   core-libs       (JEP-149) Class Instance size reduction
JDK-8012026   client-libs     [macosx] Component.getMousePosition() does not work in an applet on MacOS
JDK-8014460   hotspot         Need to check for non-empty EXT_LIBS_PATH before using it
JDK-8022721   core-libs       TEST_BUG: AnnotationTypeDeadlockTest.java throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: unexpected condition
JDK-8028619   deploy          Display issue of  java control panel in ko and ja locale
JDK-8032740   infrastructure  Need to create SE Embedded Source Bundles in 7 Release
JDK-8032872   client-libs     [macosx] Cannot select from JComboBox in a JWindow
JDK-8035897   core-libs       Better memory allocation for file descriptors greater than 1024 on macosx
JDK-8035973   security-libs   NPE in ForwardBuilder
JDK-8036584   core-libs       Review comments from 8035897

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