Mercurial forests for JDK 8

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Wed May 25 05:28:04 PDT 2011

On 5/25/2011 1:35 AM, Phil Race wrote:
> On 5/24/2011 2:28 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>> It would be nice to see the number of repos reduced even further.
>> awt/swing/2d merged? perhaps this could even include deploy as
>> "client". Also perhaps a build/l10n merge?
> For specific forests, that is a question for those groups, not for
> members of other groups.
> We've considered this in the past and prefer them separate. Also build
> is unrelated to l10n.

I see some sense to merge AWT and Swing workspaces. Many recent fixes 
span both toolkits, and it would also simplify the integration process.



> I also think there's a tenuous connection between merging these and
> getting fixes into
> master at a faster rate.
> -phil.
>> The rate at which changes currently propagate to the master and then
>> back to the sub-respos is too slow. There is admittedly a tension
>> between the risks of premature integration and those of delayed bug
>> surfacing. The current repo policies seem to entirely favour the later
>> which isn't necessarily the best answer. The more time that passes
>> between a bug being introduced and it being recognized and fixed, the
>> greater the cost in fixing it. I believe that faster dissemination of
>> changesets will help to reveal introduced bugs more quickly and bring
>> down the time and cost for fixing them. Combining repos seems a part
>> of achieving this.
>> Mike
>> On May 24 2011, at 13:53 , mark.reinhold at wrote:
>>> I'm in the process of creating the master forest, which will be
>>> rooted at
>>> What other group/integration forests do we want to have?
>>> JDK 7 has 21 (!) separate forests. Only these have been updated in 2011:
>>> 2d
>>> awt
>>> build
>>> deploy
>>> hotspot
>>> hotspot-comp
>>> hotspot-gc
>>> hotspot-rt
>>> l10n
>>> swing
>>> tl
>>> The VM team would prefer to host their group and integration forests
>>> under the HSX Project since they deliver into multiple JDK release
>>> trains, so unless there are other suggestions I'll just create these:
>>> 2d
>>> awt
>>> build
>>> deploy
>>> l10n
>>> swing
>>> tl
>>> Comments?
>>> - Mark

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