Mercurial forests for JDK 8

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Mon May 30 10:09:16 PDT 2011

On May 24, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Phil Race wrote:

> I also think there's a tenuous connection between merging these and getting fixes into
> master at a faster rate.
> -phil.

I have to agree with Phil here.

Although the number of team forests does need to be controlled, the primary issue with getting fixes
into the master repos is the speed and timing of integrations.
In my opinion, the current static and somewhat fixed schedule of integrations needs to be made more dynamic,
allowing for an integration to happen in a more 'on demand' way.
The time it takes to do an integration also needs to be addressed.
Integration testing needs to be completely automated, and false negatives need to be minimized to
speed up the analysis phase.

The actual integration itself cannot be completely automated (merges or syncs with the master must
always be watched carefully) but many of the large steps in the integration process can be automated.
Ideally, we should be able to have all team areas ready for an integration on a 24hour basis, based on
an inspection of acceptable results, a sync with master changes, a quick re-build and re-test, and a push.
Just my opinion.


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