Mercurial forests for JDK 8
Roger Calnan
roger.calnan at
Mon May 30 11:45:24 PDT 2011
> So what (other than momentum) is preventing us from having a more nimble integration
> capability? In my naive view, it looks to be having better testing (as in more effective -- less but
> more tailored to hit the issues in a particular integration repo).
a lot of it has been fear of allowing the master to become unstable. However some
of the areas that were historically unstable are now no longer as active. Maybe we should
take the opportunity at the start of a new feature release to remove some of the constraints
we have had in place previously to see if there are still needed.
Isn't it the case of saying "sufficient testing should be done before an integration to
ensure the master stays stable". A lot of the infrastructure work is to cut down the cost
of running that testing but it should be up to each area to determine what is "sufficient"
depending on the integration. How about having an "integration baton" rather than a
schedule and see if issues come up. There would then only be one regular slot for RE.
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