Mercurial forests for JDK 8

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Mon May 30 16:20:37 PDT 2011

On May 30, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Roger Calnan wrote:

> How about having an "integration baton" rather than a
> schedule and see if issues come up.  There would then only be one regular slot for RE.

The JavaFX team had a signup page that controlled 'who held the baton' so to speak, where RE would
block out designated promotion times. I thought this worked out quite well, I think it was a 4 hour time slot
that blocked all pushes to the master except for the engineer assigned the slot, so up to 6 integrations in 24hrs.
But JavaFX had lighter weight requirements on integration testing, and heavier requirements
on the weekly build promotion, which could block all integrations until build promotion
requirements were met.


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