Proposed dates for JDK 8
Martijn Verburg
martijnverburg at
Wed Apr 4 13:43:38 PDT 2012
Hi Mathias!
On Wednesday, 4 April 2012, wrote:
> 2012/4/4 9:40 -0700, mathias.axelsson at <javascript:;>:
> > ...
> >
> > First of all I'd like to propose some dates for the implementation
> milestones
> > for JDK 8 so that there are some high-level buckets that can be targeted
> for
> > delivering features and enhancements.
> >
> > Implementation milestones:
> > - M1: August 2011 - April 24, 2012
> > - M2: Ends June 14, 2012
> > - M3: Ends July 30, 2012
> > - M4: Ends September 11, 2012
> > - M5: Ends November 26, 2012
> > - M6: Ends January 30, 2013
> Thanks Mathias. FYI I've added these dates and others you mentioned to
> the JDK 8 Project page: .
> - Mark
One of the areas the JUGs would like to help with is to rally the prominent
OSS projects to test OpenJDK 8 early (try to avoid Lucene type issues). We
were originally thinking about a simple wiki table ticking off projects vs
milestones. Is this something that would be useful? If so at what Milestone
would you like us to really start pushing the message / running tests on?
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