Proposed dates for JDK 8

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Thu Apr 5 11:20:46 PDT 2012

2012/4/4 13:43 -0700, martijnverburg at
> One of the areas the JUGs would like to help with is to rally the prominent OSS
> projects to test OpenJDK 8 early (try to avoid Lucene type issues). We were
> originally thinking about a simple wiki table ticking off projects vs
> milestones. Is this something that would be useful? If so at what Milestone
> would you like us to really start pushing the message / running tests on?

I think the best time to encourage widespread testing would be a
little bit after Feature Complete (M6).  For JDK 7 we scheduled
a post-FC "Developer Preview" milestone and encouraged people to
download and test that.  Quite a few people did, and hopefully
with help from the LJC and other JUGS we can get an even better
response next time around.

Testing even earlier is, of course, also valuable.  As we get
further along we'll post a table of which features are expected
to arrive (or did arrive) in which milestone, so that people
interested in specific features can focus their effort.

Mathias -- Let's add an M7 Developer Preview miletone to the
JDK 8 schedule.  I'll leave it to you to pick the exact date.
It'd also be good to have specific dates for the other points in
time you mentioned (rampdown start, P1-P3 only, etc.), though it
probably doesn't make sense to call those milestones.  Thanks.

- Mark

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