LJC OpenJDK Warnings hack day

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 10:12:02 PDT 2012

Hi all,

FYI I've updated
https://wikis.oracle.com/display/OpenJDK/JDK8+Warning+Cleanup+Days (note
the slight rename) and its child page (Stuart's tracking) page. From the
JUG instructors side I've put up a page at

Feedback on the process, especially the list of things we check for review
is most welcome.


On 19 April 2012 00:44, Stuart Marks <stuart.marks at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Martijn,
> Great to hear that the LJC is continuing this activity. We are as well;
> I've updated the warnings page [1] to have the latest statistics including
> the work that my colleague Kurchi Hazra has done.
> I think the only area that has pending warnings changes are the java.text
> ones that Deepak Bhole produced some months ago that were reviewed by John
> Rose. I still have to revisit and review these changes. Other than that,
> any area should be fair game.
> I can lurk around on IRC during the event to help answer questions that
> might arise, and I can help review changes and push if they're in or near
> my area (core libraries). There are still a lot of warnings though in AWT
> (thousands...) so any changes there would be better coordinated with the
> AWT folks.
> Looking forward to the event!
> s'marks
> [1] https://wikis.oracle.com/**display/OpenJDK/JDK8+Warnings+**
> Cleanup+Day+%282011-12-01%29<https://wikis.oracle.com/display/OpenJDK/JDK8+Warnings+Cleanup+Day+%282011-12-01%29>
> On 4/18/12 2:49 AM, Martijn Verburg wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just to follow up on this, we'll likely co-ordinate via the wiki as per
>> last time, it seemed to work very well (thanks Stuart for setting that up
>> last time).
>> Cheers,
>> Martijn
>> On 17 April 2012 23:53, Martijn Verburg<martijnverburg at gmail.**com<martijnverburg at gmail.com>>
>>  wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>> FYI - We'll be holding another compiler warnings squashing day on the
>>> 23rd
>>> of April, 1830+ BST.  A few of the 'instructors' (we use the term loosely
>>> as we're all still learning) will pop up on IRC, but we hope to keep our
>>> chatter down to a minimum.
>>> As before we'll package up the patches in sensible groupings and peer
>>> pre-review the patches before sending them in.
>>> If there's anything we can do in particular to minimise the impact on you
>>> folks, please let me know.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martijn

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