OpenJDK 8 and fastdebug

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Sat Apr 21 16:26:00 PDT 2012

> If my understanding is correct (and I may well be wrong!) contributing the patch back in to binutils is most likely a no go - binutils itself builds fine on Mac OS because all the targets are executables, but hsdis is a dynamic library:

I was thinking contributing patch to OpenJDK (ie: makefile) not to binutils :)

> Quote from 'man environ':
>    Shared libraries and bundles don't have direct access to environ, which is only available to the loader
>     ld(1) when a complete program is being linked.  The environment routines can still be used, but if
>     direct access to environ is needed, the _NSGetEnviron() routine, defined in <crt_externs.h>, can be
>     used to retrieve the address of environ at runtime.
> Here are the changes I made to solve this in patch form in any case:

Which one ?

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