OpenJDK 8 and fastdebug

Chris Dennis cdennis at
Sat Apr 21 18:14:25 PDT 2012

That's weird the attachments are on the email in my sent mail folder - looks like the maillist server may have stripped them - are they attached to the copy you directly received?  If someone with commit rights on the relevant OpenJDK repositories wishes to commit the Makefile changes then that's cool with me - of course it still won't build without manually patching the associated binutils sources anyway so how much value there is in that at the moment I don't know.

Patches inline below to avoid any more weirdness with attachments.


diff -r bca9e76ea254 src/share/tools/hsdis/Makefile
--- a/src/share/tools/hsdis/Makefile	Tue Mar 20 10:17:41 2012 -0700
+++ b/src/share/tools/hsdis/Makefile	Sat Apr 21 21:12:29 2012 -0400
@@ -84,6 +84,25 @@
 DLDFLAGS	+= -shared
 LDFLAGS         += -ldl
 OUTFLAGS	+= -o $@
+## OS = Darwin ##
+ifeq            ($(OS),Darwin)
+ifdef LP64
+ARCH            = amd64
+ARCH            = i386
+CFLAGS/i386     += -m32
+CFLAGS/amd64    += -m64
+CFLAGS          += $(CFLAGS/$(ARCH))
+CFLAGS          += -fPIC
+OS              = darwin
+LIB_EXT         = .dylib
+CC              = gcc
+CFLAGS          += -O
+DLDFLAGS        += -shared -lz
+LDFLAGS         += -ldl
+OUTFLAGS        += -o $@
 ## OS = Windows ##
 else   # !SunOS, !Linux => Windows
 OS		= windows
@@ -95,6 +114,7 @@
 OUTFLAGS	+= /link /out:$@
 LIB_EXT		= .dll
+endif	# Darwin
 endif	# Linux
 endif	# SunOS
@@ -118,7 +138,7 @@
 BINUTILSDIR	= $(shell cd $(BINUTILS);pwd)
 TARGET_DIR	= build/$(OS)-$(JDKARCH)

diff -ru binutils-2.22/libiberty/xmalloc.c binutils/libiberty/xmalloc.c
--- binutils-2.22/libiberty/xmalloc.c   2005-05-24 17:01:33.000000000 -0400
+++ binutils/libiberty/xmalloc.c        2012-04-21 18:22:02.000000000 -0400
@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@
 #  endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H ...  */
 #endif /* VMS */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <crt_externs.h>
+#define environ (*_NSGetEnviron())
+#endif /* __APPLE__ */
 /* The program name if set.  */
 static const char *name = "";
On Apr 21, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Henri Gomez wrote:

>> If my understanding is correct (and I may well be wrong!) contributing the patch back in to binutils is most likely a no go - binutils itself builds fine on Mac OS because all the targets are executables, but hsdis is a dynamic library:
> I was thinking contributing patch to OpenJDK (ie: makefile) not to binutils :)
>> Quote from 'man environ':
>>    Shared libraries and bundles don't have direct access to environ, which is only available to the loader
>>     ld(1) when a complete program is being linked.  The environment routines can still be used, but if
>>     direct access to environ is needed, the _NSGetEnviron() routine, defined in <crt_externs.h>, can be
>>     used to retrieve the address of environ at runtime.
>> Here are the changes I made to solve this in patch form in any case:
> Which one ?

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