Java User Group - Warnings clean-up hack day - 31st of Jan

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Tue Jan 31 10:57:09 PST 2012

>>>>>> On 31/01/2012 00:08, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>>>>>> (Crap. I've just realized that I never pushed Deepak Bhole's java.text
>>>>>>> patches from December. To avoid conflicts, I'd suggest avoiding changes
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> src/share/classes/java/text. Other areas should be fair game.)
>>>>>> Another one is java.util. Rémi provided a patch and was in discussion
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> Mike on core-libs-dev about this. I don't think it has been pushed yet
>>>>>> but I
>>>>>> assume will be soon.
>>>>> For me, the patch is ready, Mike can push it when he wants :)
>>>> Note, again if this gets pushed today I'll make sure that we update our
>>>> local
>>>> copies.
>>> It's unlikely that either the java.text or the java.util changes will get
>>> pushed today. Mike Duigou (reviewer for Remi's changes) has been occupied
>>> with an escalation. I was going to push Deepak's changes, but I dropped the
>>> ball and accidentally kicked it into the corner. :-) It's probably best just
>>> to avoid java.util and java.text for the time being.
>>> See you guys online soon!
>>> s'marks
>> OK, I'll make sure we don't go near those (although it's tempting to
>> get in before Remi ;p)
>> M
> I would encourage anyone who is interested to continue the review of Rémi's patch. More review is always helpful and there was
> at least once case that Rémi identified where he thought the patch could be improved with additional effort.
> TL;DR -- If you can find more to fix in java.util, Rémi++ patch would be welcomed by all.

Is there a bug id/reference for Remi's patch?  Happy to try and help
review (not that I'm an experienced OpenJDK person by any stretch of
the imagination).


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