Java User Group - Warnings clean-up hack day - 31st of Jan

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Tue Jan 31 11:12:23 PST 2012

On 1/31/12 10:57 AM, Martijn Verburg wrote:
>> I would encourage anyone who is interested to continue the review of Rémi's patch. More review is always helpful and there was
>> at least once case that Rémi identified where he thought the patch could be improved with additional effort.
>> TL;DR -- If you can find more to fix in java.util, Rémi++ patch would be welcomed by all.
> Is there a bug id/reference for Remi's patch?  Happy to try and help
> review (not that I'm an experienced OpenJDK person by any stretch of
> the imagination).

I don't see a bug for this. I'll file one eventually, unless Mike gets to it first.


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