Review request: JDK-8012643 JDK8 b86 source with GPL header errors (jaxws & jdk)

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at
Mon Apr 22 09:25:13 PDT 2013

For large changes like this, I recommend running the script 
in the forest to verify the copyright headers are as expected.


On 04/22/2013 01:55 AM, Miroslav Kos wrote:
> Hi,
> yes, this was a problem on our side - fixing it just now, those were 
> newly added packages and I forget to add them to packages to be 
> rebranded.
> Miran
> On 04/20/2013 09:18 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 20/04/2013 00:04, David Katleman wrote:
>>> Below are corrections to GPL headers found in JDK8 b86:
>>> Corresponding CR
>>> The jdk headers are punctuation changes.
>>> jaxws integrated 51 files with a wrong GPL header, so that part is a 
>>> bit more involved.
>>> Still no code changes, just headers, so anyone is qualified to 
>>> review them.
>> Looks fine to me too.
>> I sponsored the JAX-WS update that went into b86. It was a monster 
>> patch (>70000 lines of changes) and really hard to see the wood from 
>> the trees when bringing in this volume of changes. In this case, the 
>> 51 files had to have their package changed from upstream so I'll bet 
>> this is why their headers were missed.
>> Going forward, are fixing up issues in master a problem? Which 
>> scripts should be run to catch issues like this? I see in the top 
>> level repo that we have - is that the script you use? Do 
>> you want these issues caught by integrators before they are pushed to 
>> master?
>> -Alan.

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