Building openjdk8 on windows 7, tests fail for i18n problems

Peter Koellner peter at
Tue Dec 20 16:18:10 UTC 2016

Thanks, I also signed up on jdk8u-dev and posted a request for build
environment instructions for the stable release. I guess there is some problem with
the setup.
I am currently running the tests again with the language parameters, and at least I see english messages, so chances are only thoose tests will fail where something is broken. It wil take a couple of hours to complete.
I'll sign up for awt-dev, then...


On Tue, 20 Dec 2016, David Holmes wrote:

> Hi Peter, I'm cc'ing awt-dev as the client folk should have a better idea how 
> font libraries are supposed to work on windows.
> David

peter kollner <peter at>

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