build fail with Cygwin

Guy Bonneau guy.bonneau at
Thu May 4 17:43:15 UTC 2017

Good point!

This is what I have found. The file _the.jars.contents is a text file that has a list of classes. There is many hundred of them.
The command: /usr/bin/grep -e '\.class$' /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.jars.contents yields nothing. It is empty and create an empty _the.rt.jar.contents.tmp file with nothing. I checked and it is indeed a file size of 0 bytes.

However the command /usr/bin/grep -e '\.class^M$' /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.jars.contents yields all the classes.

I checked with a binary editor the file: _the.jars.contents and all the line ending are Windows style. Not Linux style. It seems the tool invoked that creates the _the.jars.contents see Windows as the OS and put Windows style EndOfLine. Then Grep pattern fails because it searches for Linux-style EndOfLine.

Note that my JDK which might be invoked to run Java outside of the Cygwin folder installation might create Windows style EndOfLine. This could be the issue.

Thus my guessing is the script must be modified with a grep pattern that can automatically extract the lines ending with .class with either Linux or Windows style EndOfLine.

If you can give me a quick fix I could try it.


Le 04/05/17 à 10:04, Weijun Wang  < at> a écrit :
> Looks like the exploded build succeeds and there is something wrong with the image build.
> Can you try if the JDK inside /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/jdk (i.e. the exploded build) works fine?
> The last few lines show
> /usr/bin/grep -e '\.class$' /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.jars.contents > /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.rt.jar.contents.tmp
> make[2]: *** [CreateJars.gmk:268: /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.rt.jar.contents] Error 1
> Can you rerun that grep command and see if _the.rt.jar.contents.tmp is empty?
> --Max
> On 05/04/2017 09:54 PM, Guy Bonneau wrote:
> >I removed the JDK 8 and left the JDK 7 (1.7.0_80). No success same error. I check the config log and saw some complaining about the JRE 7, So I removed this one as well and left only the JDK 7 to be found. No success and same error at the same place.
> >
> >Guy
> >
> >Le 04/05/17, Guy Bonneau <guy.bonneau at> a écrit :
> >>I have both oracle JDK 7 and JDK 8 installed on the default Java installation folder of my computer (Need both of them while working with Eclipse and miscellaneous project). I would have expected the configuration script to automatically choose the JDK 7 rather than JDK 8 as a Bootstrap. I'll uninstall Oracle JDK 8 and restart the build and let you know.
> >>
> >>Thanks
> >>Guy
> >>
> >>Le 04/05/17, David Holmes <david.holmes at> a écrit :
> >>>On 4/05/2017 9:25 PM, Guy Bonneau wrote:
> >>>>Did it. Both configuration and build logs are now shared at:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>

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