build fail with Cygwin

Michal Vala mvala at
Thu May 4 19:33:50 UTC 2017

On 05/04/2017 07:43 PM, Guy Bonneau wrote:
> Good point!
> This is what I have found. The file _the.jars.contents is a text file that has a list of classes. There is many hundred of them.
> The command: /usr/bin/grep -e '\.class$' /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.jars.contents yields nothing. It is empty and create an empty _the.rt.jar.contents.tmp file with nothing. I checked and it is indeed a file size of 0 bytes.
> However the command /usr/bin/grep -e '\.class^M$' /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.jars.contents yields all the classes.
> I checked with a binary editor the file: _the.jars.contents and all the line ending are Windows style. Not Linux style. It seems the tool invoked that creates the _the.jars.contents see Windows as the OS and put Windows style EndOfLine. Then Grep pattern fails because it searches for Linux-style EndOfLine.
> Note that my JDK which might be invoked to run Java outside of the Cygwin folder installation might create Windows style EndOfLine. This could be the issue.
> Thus my guessing is the script must be modified with a grep pattern that can automatically extract the lines ending with .class with either Linux or Windows style EndOfLine.
> If you can give me a quick fix I could try it.

You may try to add this to your ~/.bash_profile in cygwin

set -o ignc

> Thanks
> Guy
> Le 04/05/17 à 10:04, Weijun Wang  < at> a écrit :
>> Looks like the exploded build succeeds and there is something wrong with the image build.
>> Can you try if the JDK inside /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/jdk (i.e. the exploded build) works fine?
>> The last few lines show
>> /usr/bin/grep -e '\.class$' /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.jars.contents > /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.rt.jar.contents.tmp
>> make[2]: *** [CreateJars.gmk:268: /cygdrive/c/Projects/jdk-8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-fastdebug/images/lib/_the.rt.jar.contents] Error 1
>> Can you rerun that grep command and see if _the.rt.jar.contents.tmp is empty?
>> --Max
>> On 05/04/2017 09:54 PM, Guy Bonneau wrote:
>>> I removed the JDK 8 and left the JDK 7 (1.7.0_80). No success same error. I check the config log and saw some complaining about the JRE 7, So I removed this one as well and left only the JDK 7 to be found. No success and same error at the same place.
>>> Guy
>>> Le 04/05/17, Guy Bonneau <guy.bonneau at> a écrit :
>>>> I have both oracle JDK 7 and JDK 8 installed on the default Java installation folder of my computer (Need both of them while working with Eclipse and miscellaneous project). I would have expected the configuration script to automatically choose the JDK 7 rather than JDK 8 as a Bootstrap. I'll uninstall Oracle JDK 8 and restart the build and let you know.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Guy
>>>> Le 04/05/17, David Holmes <david.holmes at> a écrit :
>>>>> On 4/05/2017 9:25 PM, Guy Bonneau wrote:
>>>>>> Did it. Both configuration and build logs are now shared at:

Michal Vala
Red Hat Czech

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