[8u40] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs25.40-b04

Alejandro E Murillo alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
Fri Aug 8 06:11:54 UTC 2014

Requesting approval to integrate hs25.40-b04 into jdk8u40-b01.

A webrev is available at:


Pre-integration testing is in progress; the integration will proceed
only after SQE has analyzed the results and approved.

The fixes in the proposed integration are below.  All have undergone
nightly testing and are already in a jdk9 repository.

8024366: Make UseNUMA enable UseNUMAInterleaving
8029070: memory leak in jmm_SetVMGlobal
8038756: new WB API :: get/setVMFlag
8038928: gc/g1/TestGCLogMessages.java fail with "[Evacuation Failure'
8039489: Refactor test framework for dynamic VM options
8040921: Uninitialised memory in hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LinearScan.cpp
8046233: VerifyError on backward branch
8046715: Add a way to verify an extended set of command line options
8046783: Add hidden field to methods for event based tracing
8049252: VerifyStack logic in Deoptimization::unpack_frames does not expect to see invoke bc at the top frame during normal deoptimization
8049684: pstack crashes on java core dump
8051012: Regression in verifier for <init> method call from inside of a branch
8051910: new hotspot build - hs25.40-b03
8054159: new hotspot build - hs25.40-b04


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