jdk8u-b17: jdk8u-dev
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Dec 1 19:36:11 UTC 2014
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
List of all fixes:
JDK-8058197 client-libs AWT fails on generic non-reparenting window managers
JDK-8057830 client-libs Crash in Java2D Queue Flusher, OGLSD_SetScratchSurface
JDK-8034085 client-libs Do not prefer indexed properties
JDK-8059739 client-libs Dragged and Dropped data is corrupted for two data types
JDK-8062164 client-libs Incorrect color conversion, when bicubic interpolation is used
JDK-8034164 client-libs Introspector ignores indexed part of the property sometimes
JDK-8065098 client-libs JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop between two JVM instances
JDK-8041734 client-libs JFrame in full screen mode leaves empty workspace after close
JDK-7169583 client-libs JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
JDK-6302052 client-libs Reference to nonexistant Class in javadoc
JDK-8027148 client-libs SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor returns list of native formats in incorrect order
JDK-8054332 client-libs Test closed/java/awt/image/Raster/IncorrectScanlineStrideTest.java fails always
JDK-8059941 client-libs [D3D] The fix for JDK-8029253 should be ported to d3d pipeline
JDK-8061456 client-libs [OGL] Incorrect clip is used during sw->surface blit in xor mode
JDK-8059943 client-libs [macosx] Aqua LaF should use BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE for a better performance
JDK-7148531 client-libs [macosx] In test, the window does not have time to resize before make a screenshot
JDK-8029253 client-libs [macosx] Performance problems with Retina display on Mac OS X
JDK-8058193 client-libs [macosx] Potential incomplete fix for JDK-8031485
JDK-8064560 core-libs (tz) Support tzdata2014j
JDK-8062771 core-libs Core reflection should use final fields whenever possible
JDK-8063135 core-libs Enable full LF sharing by default
JDK-8051778 core-libs Function.prototype.bind doesn't work on all callables
JDK-8059877 core-libs GWT branch frequencies pollution due to LF sharing
JDK-8059880 core-libs Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
JDK-8065985 core-libs Inlining failure of Number.doubleValue() in JSType.toNumeric() causes 15% peak perf regresion on Box2D
JDK-8050983 core-libs Misplaced parentheses in sun.net.www.http.HttpClient break HTTP PUT streaming
JDK-8066119 core-libs Missing resource type.error.not.an.arraybuffer
JDK-8064789 core-libs Nashorn should just warn on code store instantiation error
JDK-8062638 core-libs Nashorn: RuntimeException when run command from js with -scripting on Cygwin
JDK-8054343 core-libs Nashorn: Some tests fails on windows with AccessControlException
JDK-8057779 core-libs Nashorn: Tests failed on Windows when in output contains path to script
JDK-8057691 core-libs Nashorn: let & const declarations are not shared between scripts
JDK-8055063 core-libs Parameter#toString() fails w/ AIOOBE for ctr of inner class w/ generic type
JDK-8049407 core-libs Test NASHORN-377.js fails on Solaris sparc
JDK-8065377 core-libs [TEST_BUG] test/closed/java/util/Calendar tests failures with 2014j tzdata
JDK-8057980 core-libs let & const: remaining issues with lexical scoping
JDK-8061200 core-svc CMM: Commercial feature changes (docs)
JDK-8065397 core-svc Remove ExtendedPlatformComponent.java from EXFILES list
JDK-8065353 core-svc getPlatformMBeanServer throws NoClassDefFoundError: sun/management/ExtendedPlatformComponent for non-commercial binaries
JDK-8061960 core-svc java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/TestDaemonThread.java regularly fails due to exceeded timeout
JDK-8064288 core-svc sun.management.Flag should loadLibrary()
JDK-8043227 deploy Launching of unsigned JNLP applet with extensions prints JARSigningException
JDK-8060453 globalization JDK-8058671 changed untrusted dialog message key only for default dialog language
JDK-8055798 globalization Japanese translation for a warning from javac looks incorrect.
JDK-8065069 globalization jdk8u40 l10n resource file translation update 2
JDK-8036614 hotspot AIX: fix adjust-mflags.sh to build with GNU Make 4.0 (adapt 8028407 for AIX)
JDK-8065198 hotspot [TESTBUG] Fix typo in arguments in TestAccuracyLevel.java
JDK-8065196 hotspot [TESTBUG] Ignore unstable closed/gc/resource/ tests
JDK-8028407 hotspot adjust-mflags.sh failed build with GNU Make 4.0 with -I<path contains j>
JDK-8062390 hotspot closed/serviceability/resource tests uses GPLv2 licence
JDK-8065183 infrastructure Add --with-copyright-year option to configure
JDK-8065410 infrastructure additional files still under cmm directory in jle source bundles for 8u40
JDK-8057794 tools Compiler Error when obtaining .class property
JDK-8062747 tools Compiler error when anonymous class uses method with parametrized exception
JDK-8063052 tools Inference chokes on wildcard derived from method reference
JDK-8058112 tools Invalid BootstrapMethod for constructor/method reference
JDK-8044748 tools JVM cannot access constructor though ::new reference although can call it directly
JDK-8044737 tools Lambda: NPE while obtaining method reference through lambda expression
JDK-8059921 tools Missing compile error in Java 8 mode for Interface.super.field access
JDK-8065132 tools Parameter annotations not updated when synthetic parameters are prepended
JDK-8038776 tools VerifyError when running successfully compiled java class
JDK-8062359 tools javac Attr crashes with NPE in TypeAnnotationsValidator visitNewClass
JDK-8037404 tools javac NPE or VerifyError for code with constructor reference of inner class
JDK-8048121 tools javac complex method references: revamp and simplify
JDK-8047341 tools lambda reference to inner class in base class causes LambdaConversionException
JDK-8029012 tools parameter_index for type annotation not updated after outer.this added
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