OpenJDK 8u252-b01 EA Released

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at
Wed Jan 29 03:59:29 UTC 2020

I've made available an early access source bundle for 8u252, based on
the tag jdk8u252-b01:

The tarball is accompanied by a digital signature available at:

This is signed by our new Red Hat OpenJDK key (openjdk at

PGP Key: rsa4096/0x92EF8D39DC13168F (hkp://
Fingerprint = CA5F 11C6 CE22 644D 42C6  AC44 92EF 8D39 DC13 168F

SHA256 checksums:


They are listed at

Changes in 8u252-b01:
  - S8028480: (zipfs) NoSuchFileException on creating a file in
ZipFileSystem with CREATE and WRITE
  - S8031191: Warning exception when XMLSignature logging is enabled
  - S8034773: (zipfs) newOutputstream uses CREATE_NEW when no options
  - S8038431: Close InputStream when finished retrieving XML Signature
HTTP References
  - S8041620: Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13 change in behavior for
placing friend declarations within surrounding scope.
  - S8046044: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in XML Signature Impl
  - S8055351: sun/security/provider/DSA/
failed with interrupted! (timed out?)
  - S8056313: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ fails
  - S8133489: Better messaging for PKIX path validation matching
  - S8144732: VM_HeapDumper hits assert with bad dump_len
  - S8150432: fails
  - S8150460: (linux|bsd|aix)_close.c: file descriptor table may become
large or may not work at all
  - S8170641:
sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ fails
with timeout
  - S8173956: KeyStore regression due to default keystore being changed
to PKCS12
  - S8216354: Syntax error in toolchain_windows.m4
  - S8218553: Enhance keystore load debug output
  - S8218580: endpoint identification algorithm should be case-insensitive
  - S8227397: Add --with-extra-asflags configure option
  - S8227662: freetype seeks to index at the end of the font data
  - S8227715: GPLv2 files missing Classpath Exception
  - S8231201: hs_err should print coalesced safepoint operations in
Events section
  - S8231991: Mouse wheel change focus on awt/swing windows
  - S8232003: (fs) Files.write can leak file descriptor in the exception
  - S8232154: Update Mesa 3-D Headers to version 19.2.1
  - S8232355: Two obsolete flags have the wrong obsolete version in 8u
  - S8233023: assert(Opcode() == mem->Opcode() ||
phase->C->get_alias_index(adr_type()) == Compile::AliasIdxRaw) failed:
no mismatched stores, except on raw memory
  - S8233404: System property to set the number of PBE iterations in
JCEKS keystores
  - S8233886: TEST_BUG jdk/java/net/CookieHandler/ hit
hardcoded expiration date
  - S8234107: Several AWT modal dialog tests failing on Linux after
  - S8234264: Incorrect 8047434 JDK 8 backport in 8219677
  - S8234288: Turkey Time Zone returns incorrect time zone name
  - S8235637: jhsdb jmap from OpenJDK 11.0.5 doesn't work if prelink is
  - S8236873: Worker has a deadlock bug
  - S8237523: 8u backport of JDK-8216354 didn't include changes

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04  C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222

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