[8u] RFR : TLSv1.3 protocol support

Alexey Bakhtin alexey at azul.com
Wed May 20 10:49:04 UTC 2020

Hello Martin,

About extra tests in JDK8:
These tests and packages exist in JDK8 since initial implementation. The sun/security/ssl test directory in JDK11 has a little bit different structure: the same tests located in different subdirectories in JDK8 and JD11. I did not replace TLS 11.0.7 tests but merge them keeping original directory structure.
May be I should apply the same review strategy for the TLS tests too : remove 8u tests, replace with 11u tests, change 8u only tests.


> On 19 May 2020, at 22:11, Martin Balao <mbalao at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've finished running the series of tests that I understand is most
> relevant for TLS 1.3.
> This is a summary of the what I found:
> * JDK-8 Tier 1
>  * No regressions found
> * JDK-8 Tier 2
>  * No regressions found
> * sun/security/pkcs11
>  * No regressions found
> * sun/security/ssl
>  * Note: comparison against 11.0.7-ga because it's the test suite that
> represents best the new TLS engine
>  * No regressions found
>   * However, there are a number of extra tests in 8 relocated from
> sun/net/www, javax/net/ssl and com/sun/net/ssl to sun/security/ssl
>    * Why is that?
> One more question: have you ran TCK?
> Thanks,
> Martin.-

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