RFR: JDK9 message drop interim L10n resource update

Yuka Kamiya yuka.kamiya at oracle.com
Fri Nov 18 08:12:59 UTC 2016

Hi Leo,

I reviewed jdk part and have some comments.

   +        {"jar.treated.unsigned",
   +        {"jar.treated.unsigned.see.weak",
   +        {"jar.treated.unsigned.see.weak.verbose",
I think "未署名として扱われます" should be "署名なしとして扱われます". 
Because "未" usually means "not yet".

2. Please check 
src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/resources/jar_*.java. Some 
of them contain translated keywords. I think they should _not_ be 

3. In 
I'm just curious if "バージョニング"(=versioning)is a correct translation 
of "versioned" ?????

Otherwise the fix looks okay to me.


On 2016/11/18 16:11, Leo Jiang wrote:
> Still not got any feedback for jdk and jaxp repo. Would anyone help to 
> review the changes? For jaxp, most of the changes are removing an 
> obsoleted comment line and some bugfix from translation team.
> Thanks,
> Leo
> On 11/14/2016 02:09 PM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review:
>> Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ljiang/8169618/webrev/read/
>> for bug:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169618
>> Please help us to review
>>  - over-translate, e.g. keywords should be not translated
>>  - not-translate, e.g. some sentences or strings are not translated 
>> while they should be.
>>  - any programming syntax error
>>  - multiple lines property with correct line ending '\n\'
>>  - the position of placefolder after translation
>>  - any other issues.
>> Thanks,
>> Leo

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