RFR: JDK-8180167 : JDK9 msg drop 40 l10n resource file update

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Thu May 11 10:59:09 UTC 2017

Hi Leo,

On 11/05/2017 11:11, Alan Bateman wrote:
> In the French translation then "<module name>" is translated to "<nom de
> module>" in most places but the text for `--limit-modules` is still in
> English.

Alan's comment prompted me to have a look at the french properties files:

1. for sun/launcher/resources/launcher_fr.properties

I see that <mainclass> and [args...] line 27 were not translated
in the  french file, but were translated in the italian one.

Maybe <mainclass> should be translated into <classe principale> like
it seems to have been translated lines 49 and 58 in the same file?
And [args...] could be [arguments...]

2. Also in sun/tools/jar/resources/jar_fr.properties

   66 error.validator.info.requires.transitive=module-info.class dans un 
répertoire avec numéro de version contient des "exigences transitives" 

I'm not sure "requires transitive" should be translated: it
sounds really weird. I suspect:
module-info.class dans un répertoire avec numéro de version contient des 
clauses "requires transitives" supplémentaires
would be a better translation.

ditto for (same file):

   70 error.validator.info.opens.notequal=module-info.class dans un 
répertoire avec numéro de version contient des "ouvertures" différentes

  des "ouvertures" différentes  =>  des clause "open" différentes

I haven't checked whether "opens" and "requires transitive" have also
been translated for other languages, but if they have then I would
advise to revisit there as well.

best regards,

-- daniel

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