RFR: Prepare jemmy for adoptopenjdk build and deploy

Patrick Reinhart patrick at reini.net
Thu May 10 16:38:24 UTC 2018

Hi Shura,

There is no requirement to have @author tags in the source code. I only removed the email addresss and those characters failing to pass the Javadoc generation.

For the rest of the code the main changes contain removal of Javadoc parts, that did only contained @param/@return tags with no futher content.

When I started together with Marcus, we tried to complete the incomplete @param values. If there where Jacadoc comments with partial content, I added „todo javadoc“ to those @param/@return tags that where missing or where only partiallly available. The intention was to may going over it later and fill those missing parts in. Apart from this there where no code changes done exept using some diamond operators instead of the extended generics definition. Also the main changes where done within the root pom.xml file adding the licence/scm and authors section in order to pass the maven central requirements.

Hope the answered your questions so far. 


> Am 10.05.2018 um 17:23 schrieb Alexandre (Shura) Iline <alexandre.iline at oracle.com>:
> Patrick,
> It is definitely not common to use @author tag in openjdk. Is that required for Maven?
> The patch also seem to be updating some javadoc (core/JemmyCore/src/org/jemmy/input/CharBindingMap.java), which is a very useful thing to do, only I am now wondering what else this patch is changing.
> Could you quickly summarize?
> I am sorry if you did this before and I missed it.
> Shura
> )
>> On May 9, 2018, at 11:39 PM, Patrick Reinhart <patrick at reini.net> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I updated all remaining jemmy.properties files to the version 1.0.0 in
>> order to be in sync with the pom.xml files. I therefore propose to
>> review the made changes and push those to a to be created JBS issue
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~reinhapa/reviews/jemmy/webrev
>> -Patrick
>>> Am 09.05.2018 um 15:13 schrieb Erik Greijus:
>>> Sorry,
>>> I misremebered the file name. 
>>> The file I was referring to is jemmy.properties (which is present in each of the projects - SWT/JemmySWT/src/org/jemmy/swt/jemmy.properties for the SWT project).
>>> Apart from the Core project (which is already at 1.0.0) these should be updated in the the other three projects.
>>> Regards
>>> /Erik
>>>> 9 maj 2018 kl. 14:51 skrev Patrick Reinhart <patrick at reini.net>:
>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>> I did not understand what you mean. Do by the "version.properties" in each project. I did not see any such file in the project directory. Did I get something wrong here?
>>>> The versions within the pom.xml files I already changed from their original value "1.0" to "1.0.0" to more align with the maven central version schema.
>>>> For the complete list of current changes see the updated webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~reinhapa/reviews/jemmy/webrev
>>>> -Patrick
>>>>> On 2018-05-09 09:45, Erik Greijus wrote:
>>>>> Patrick,
>>>>> There's currently a discrepancy between the "version.properties" in
>>>>> each project and the corresponding pom.xml. I missed that in the
>>>>> initial Maven commit but now would be a good time to update the
>>>>> property files to all be at 1.0.0.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> /Erik

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