serialized annotations use sun.reflect.*

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Mon Jan 11 18:36:53 PST 2010

Mandy, Alan,

In the modularization effort, is it going to be an issue that javac (and 
apt) has an explicit dependence on sun.reflect.annotation.*? Since JDK 
5, the serialized form of annotations has used these otherwise internal 
classes. This is true both for annotations created by the runtime, and 
by javac as part of JSR 269. For full details, if you really want to, 
see 6538914 and 6270734. 

Joe and I are trying to figure out the disposition of these bugs -- 
whether to use new public classes (and break compatibility) or to accept 
the status quo that these classes should be part of the public J2SE spec.

-- Jon

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