serialized annotations use sun.reflect.*

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Tue Jan 12 13:24:42 PST 2010

2010/1/12 Jonathan Gibbons <Jonathan.Gibbons at>:
> Mandy, Alan,
> In the modularization effort, is it going to be an issue that javac (and
> apt) has an explicit dependence on sun.reflect.annotation.*? Since JDK 5,
> the serialized form of annotations has used these otherwise internal
> classes. This is true both for annotations created by the runtime, and by
> javac as part of JSR 269. For full details, if you really want to, see
> 6538914 and 6270734.
> Joe and I are trying to figure out the disposition of these bugs -- whether
> to use new public classes (and break compatibility) or to accept the status
> quo that these classes should be part of the public J2SE spec.
> -- Jon

I think it's already become implictly part of the specification as it
is now.  We had to implement it for GNU Classpath:

so making it explicit and documenting it seems a very good idea!
Andrew :-)

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