Module-file format (DRAFT)

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 19 14:51:15 PST 2010

Hi Mark,

A couple of comments:

Do I read this correctly that compression is only file-by-file 
Frequently compression algorithms work better with more content to compress.
But perhaps I don't understand what goes into a "CLASSES" section.  Is 
it assumed
to be a sequence of classfiles without names?

A description of the allowed ordering or nesting would be useful (BNF).

It would be useful if the HashSection was allowed to be in each section 
as well as
the entire file and was required to be after the ModuleFileHeader or 
Then an implementation could verify that the module or section had the 
data before reading it.  The would be useful when verifying signatures.

There is no benefit to putting the hash at the end of the file because 
the format requires
all of the compression to be done before any of the sections can be written.


On 1/19/10 1:54 PM, Mark Reinhold wrote:
> Thanks for all the comments.  I've posted an update version here:
> - Mark

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