Module-file format (DRAFT)

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 19 18:02:05 PST 2010

Roger Riggs wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> But perhaps I don't understand what goes into a "CLASSES" section.  Is
> it assumed
> to be a sequence of classfiles without names?

The classes section contains only one entity: pack.gz of the module's 
classes without the module-info.class.

> It would be useful if the HashSection was allowed to be in each section
> as well as
> the entire file and was required to be after the ModuleFileHeader or
> SectionHeader.
> Then an implementation could verify that the module or section had the
> expected
> data before reading it.  The would be useful when verifying signatures.

That could be useful for sections that are used as input for further 
processing, rather then just dumped (un)compressed to disk. In the current 
draft, that would mean module-info.class & classes sections.

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