Module-file format (DRAFT)

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 20 13:14:48 PST 2010

Hi Mark,

Where is the content of the config section defined?
Does it contain information about which OS and which hardware architecture
the native code is appropriate for? Or is that in the module-info.class?
Can I have a "fat" package with multiple native code implementations for 
different platforms?

If the sections are strictly in order then having the config section 
earlier would be useful
to setup how to handle the rest of the sections.

Can you remind me why multiple sections of each type are not useful/allowed.

Thanks, Roger

On 1/20/10 12:35 PM, Mark Reinhold wrote:
> Latest update (v4):
> There's now a change summary at the end of the document.
> - Mark

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