Module-file format (DRAFT)

Mark Reinhold mr at
Fri Jan 22 16:05:10 PST 2010

> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 16:14:48 -0500
> From: roger.riggs at

> Where is the content of the config section defined?

It's just a collection of named files.  It's meant to contain things like
the properties files currently found in $JAVA_HOME/lib, nothing more.

> Does it contain information about which OS and which hardware architecture
> the native code is appropriate for?


>                                     Or is that in the module-info.class?


> Can I have a "fat" package with multiple native code implementations for
> different platforms?

No, and I'm skeptical that "fat" packages are the way to go.

When modules are published on a server we can use simple URL conventions
to distinguish "pure" modules from those containing native code for a
specific target os/arch combination.  In the long run we should probably
record that information in the format itself, as a sanity check.

> If the sections are strictly in order then having the config section
> earlier would be useful to setup how to handle the rest of the
> sections.

(N/A, see above)

> Can you remind me why multiple sections of each type are not useful/allowed.


- Mark

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