jigsaw sync'ed with jdk8 b01

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Tue Aug 23 09:46:59 PDT 2011

  Jigsaw is now sync'ed with jdk8 b01.

On 08/12/11 23:54, Mandy Chung wrote:
> For jprt users, please add "-bootproduct jdk7" in your jprt submit 
> command for the time being until  make/jprt.properties is updated to 
> use jdk7 as the boot JDK.  The changeset for 7069993 is already in 
> jdk8/tl/jdk repo but it also depends on many test fixes to add cygwin 
> support.  As TL is going to be integrated into the jdk8 master next 
> week, I'll wait for the TL integration and sync again.

The changeset for 7069993 is in jigsaw repo and so no longer need to 
specify -bootproduct option in your jprt job.


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