Build issue : missing classanalyzer?
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at
Tue Aug 30 07:11:51 PDT 2011
Jing LV wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to build jigsaw with openjdk7 (I am working on win2008
> 64bit). Download the source and overcome some configuration problems can
> the build work till I see these these messages:
> D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/bin/java -XX:-PrintVMOptions
> -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-LogVMOutput -Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:PermSi
> ze=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m \
> -cp D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/btjars/classanalyzer.jar \
> com.sun.classanalyzer.Modularizer \
> -jdkhome D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64 \
> -update \
> -classlistdir D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/moduleinfo/classlist \
> -modulepath D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/modules
> Error: Could not find or load main class com.sun.classanalyzer.Modularizer
> make[3]: ***
> [D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/btjars/classanalyzer.jar] Error 1
> Checking the directory and find no classanalyzer.jar. I find
> classanalyzer(JSR308?) was not in the JDK7. Anyway I see this
> classanalyzer may used in jigsaw project which I am studying, I am not
> willing to omit it to pass the build. Can someone tell me how can I do
> to build classanalyzer, or where to download a workable jar? Thanks a lot.
I can't tell from this snippet why the class analyzer hasn't been built.
Did you keep a full log that you could point us too? All I can guess is
that the HOST_JAVA_CMD isn't getting set but I would have thought that
would cause the build to fail much earlier (this is something the build
sets, you don't set it explicitly).
In any case, the class analyzer isn't anything to do with JSR-308.
Another thing is that once we are further along then the build is going
to change very significantly so that it generates modules directly (as
opposed to the current post-processing step). It will be a big change.
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