Build issue : missing classanalyzer?

Jing LV lvjing at
Wed Aug 31 03:48:55 PDT 2011

Hi Alan,

       Thank you for reply. I've checked with the log (it's of ~300K in 
size so unable to upload to the list) but do not have something related 
to "HOST_JAVA_CMD" - yes anyway the build has pass nearly all modules. 
Only blocked by the classanalyzer.

       I take a little more search in the log, it seems the problem is 
due to the class "CONSTANT_ModuleId_info":
src\com\sun\classanalyzer\ error: cannot find symbol
         public String visitModuleId(CONSTANT_ModuleId_info info, Void p) {
   symbol:   class CONSTANT_ModuleId_info
   location: class ConstantPoolParser.StringValueVisitor

Search in the full openjdk directory for "CONSTANT_ModuleId_info" but 
find nothing - am I miss somthing? (I see in google that some archive 
mail discussed about this variable, anyway have some trouble to open the 
link due to the network problem).

? 2011-8-30 22:11, Alan Bateman ??:
> Jing LV wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to build jigsaw with openjdk7 (I am working on win2008
>> 64bit). Download the source and overcome some configuration problems can
>> the build work till I see these these messages:
>> D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/bin/java -XX:-PrintVMOptions
>> -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-LogVMOutput -Xmx512m -Xms512m 
>> -XX:PermSi
>> ze=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m \
>> -cp D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/btjars/classanalyzer.jar \
>> com.sun.classanalyzer.Modularizer \
>> -jdkhome D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64 \
>> -update \
>> -classlistdir 
>> D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/moduleinfo/classlist \
>> -modulepath D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/modules
>> Error: Could not find or load main class 
>> com.sun.classanalyzer.Modularizer
>> make[3]: ***
>> [D:/cygwin/home/jdk7/build/windows-amd64/btjars/classanalyzer.jar] 
>> Error 1
>> Checking the directory and find no classanalyzer.jar. I find
>> classanalyzer(JSR308?) was not in the JDK7. Anyway I see this
>> classanalyzer may used in jigsaw project which I am studying, I am not
>> willing to omit it to pass the build. Can someone tell me how can I do
>> to build classanalyzer, or where to download a workable jar? Thanks a 
>> lot.
> I can't tell from this snippet why the class analyzer hasn't been 
> built. Did you keep a full log that you could point us too? All I can 
> guess is that the HOST_JAVA_CMD isn't getting set but I would have 
> thought that would cause the build to fail much earlier (this is 
> something the build sets, you don't set it explicitly).
> In any case, the class analyzer isn't anything to do with JSR-308. 
> Another thing is that once we are further along then the build is 
> going to change very significantly so that it generates modules 
> directly (as opposed to the current post-processing step). It will be 
> a big change.
> -Alan.

Best Regards,
Jimmy, Jing LV

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