Compressing class files in the module library

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Thu Nov 10 21:59:53 PST 2011

2011/11/9 10:21 -0800, alan.bateman at
> ...
> Before finishing this I'd like to get some input on a few points. The first is
> whether it's reasonable to enable compression when creating the module library?

That makes sense to me.

> The alternative is install time so that it's on a per module basis. The former
> is less flexible but as the module library format evolves it may not be
> feasible to have a mix of compressed and uncompressed modules.

Being able to select per-module compression at install time seems like
needless flexibility at this point.  We can always add it later if

> The other question is suggestions for the option name. For now it's -9 
> or --enable-compression (-9 influenced by the zip -9 option for  compress
> better). I'm looking for better suggestions.

I like Mandy's "-z" suggestion.  Reserve digits for actual compression
levels, as with most other tools.

- Mark

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