Use-cases for version ranges?

Tim Diekmann tdiekman at
Mon Nov 21 13:44:57 PST 2011

Interesting comment. Working in a company that builds enterprise software, we are more concerned in making the experience using our software easier for our users, which means that we shoulder the burden of the hard stuff for them. In the end, it is our customers that pay our bills.


"There is never enough time to do it right, but there is always enough time to do it over"
  -- Murphy's Law

On Nov 21, 2011, at 1:04 PM, cowwoc wrote:

>     I get the feeling that someone doesn't care about readability or 
> usability ;) Computers should be working hard to make humans happy, not 
> the other way around.
> Gili
> On 21/11/2011 3:37 PM, Tim Diekmann [via jigsaw-dev] wrote:
>>> The naming convention is version based. It looks like:
>>> interface Collections {}
>>> interface Collections_1_2 extends Collections {}
>>> interface Collections_1_2_1 extends Collections_1_2 {}
>>> interface Collections_1_3 extends Collections_1_2_1 {}
>>> We attempted this at Orbitz and it was not pretty in practice.
>> But did it work or cause other problems?
>>  Tim.

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