skip_boot_cycle=false build fails when BUILD_JAXWS=false

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Apr 25 23:47:22 PDT 2012

On 26/04/2012 01:19, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Before we sync'ed jigsaw/jigsaw with jdk8-b32 and b34, I was able to
> build SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false with BUILD_JAXWS=false and in which
> case it imports jaxws classes from JDK8 build.
> Now the skip cycle build passes if BUILD_JAXWS=true (i.e building
> jaxws from the jaxws repo) but it fails if it imports from JDK8-b35
> (build error attached below).
> Does this build error look familiar to anyone?
> Mandy
I don't recognize this but then I always do full builds of jigsaw/jigsaw 
as there is no guarantee that it's in the sync with the default import JDK.

Looking at jdk8/jdk8/jaxws then there doesn't appear to be any changes 
between b34 and b35. The contents of both builds rt.jar lists the same 
set of classes too.

It this repeatable? (just ruling out a transient issue, import JDK on 
NFS for example).


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