JSR 376 (and Capsule)

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 13:32:38 UTC 2014

Hi Ron,

The mailing list to discuss jigsaw is currently this one.  The work has
started and has been split into four JEPs (JDK Enhancement Proposals) of
which 2 are complete, one is in progress and doing well and the 4th one is
still to start.

http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/ is the summary page for the
activity to date.  You'll likely want to build from the jigsaw forest or
grab the binary builds coming out on an almost weekly basis.


On 2 December 2014 at 13:15, Ron Pressler <ron at paralleluniverse.co> wrote:

>   Hi!
> I’m the maintainer of Capsule
> , which is a simple distribution mechanism for Java applications
> (basically, executable JARs on steroids, with support for native libs,
> embedded JARs, and declared Maven dependencies). As such, I’m especially
> interested in the progress of JSR 376. I see that the spec page
>  is currently empty and that there hasn’t been much discussion on the
> matter on this mailing list. Is there some draft available? Has the work
> started? Have the “comments” and “observer” mailing lists mentioned in the
> JSR been created?
> Ron

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