JSR 376 (and Capsule)

Ron Pressler ron at paralleluniverse.co
Tue Dec 2 13:34:42 UTC 2014

  I meant the work on JSR 376 specifically; not Jigsaw in general. There’s an expert group, and the JSR mentions the expert group discussions will be on some, yet-unnamed mailing lists. Has there been any discussion about the JSR yet?

> On Dec 2, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Martijn Verburg <martijnverburg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> The mailing list to discuss jigsaw is currently this one.  The work has started and has been split into four JEPs (JDK Enhancement Proposals) of which 2 are complete, one is in progress and doing well and the 4th one is still to start.
> http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
> is the summary page for the activity to date.  You'll likely want to build from the jigsaw forest or grab the binary builds coming out on an almost weekly basis.
> Cheers,
> Martijn
> On 2 December 2014 at 13:15, Ron Pressler <ron at paralleluniverse.co
>>   Hi!
>> I’m the maintainer of Capsule
>> , which is a simple distribution mechanism for Java applications (basically, executable JARs on steroids, with support for native libs, embedded JARs, and declared Maven dependencies). As such, I’m especially interested in the progress of JSR 376. I see that the spec page
>>  is currently empty and that there hasn’t been much discussion on the matter on this mailing list. Is there some draft available? Has the work started? Have the “comments” and “observer” mailing lists mentioned in the JSR been created?
>> Ron

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