Should this work?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Aug 2 11:31:49 UTC 2015

On 02/08/2015 12:25, Michael Hall wrote:
>> :
>> For that -verbose:class shows…
>> [Loaded javax.swing.UIManager from /usr/local/jvm/openjdk-1.9.0-internal/lib/modules/bootmodules.jimage]
>> The same as the LAF classes.  Double checked -jdkinternals on jdeps of test jar still shows nothing so laf not missed because of that.
>> So verbose loading does not seem to actually indicate the correct module and doesn’t seem to show a reason why normal Swing would be included but system laf classes wouldn’t.
>> I might still suspect linkage and wonder if there is some other way to do that which might allow jdeps to pick it up?
>> Since normal Swing classes like UIManager do include the java.desktop dependency you would probably not have a problem in people missing it while putting together reduced modular runtimes. They’ll get the classes but not know that they were classes included that didn’t show as a dependency.
>> A little moot?
I should have been clearer, the -verbose:class is an option that you 
specify to jdeps (-verbose:package is another, use jdeps -help to see 
all the other options).


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