Should this work?

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Sun Aug 2 11:37:08 UTC 2015

> On Aug 2, 2015, at 6:31 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> I should have been clearer, the -verbose:class is an option that you specify to jdeps (-verbose:package is another, use jdeps -help to see all the other options).

Sorry, I thought I checked to see if this was a jdeps option but missed it.
jdeps -verbose:class jdeplaf.jar
jdeplaf.jar -> java.base
jdeplaf.jar -> java.desktop
   JdepLAF (jdeplaf.jar)
      -> java.lang.Exception                                
      -> java.lang.Object                                   
      -> java.lang.String                                   
      -> java.lang.System                                   
      -> javax.swing.JFrame                                 
      -> javax.swing.UIManager  

Like some of the other options adding it doesn’t seem to show anything extra. Would some of this be in jigsaw specific builds and not in the main branch jdk9 ones? 

Michael Hall

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