TestNG build failing with JDK9 Jigsaw due to Gradle

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at gmx.org
Tue Nov 3 18:02:04 UTC 2015

On 03.11.2015 16:03, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 03/11/2015 13:41, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
>> Well, what we currently do is fill a ClassInfo class (a kind of
>> reflection cache from which we generate our meta class) with the all
>> the members we can access. This is the non-private members from the
>> parents and all declared members of the current class. If the current
>> class is blocked, it will automatically consist only of the not
>> blocked information from the parent.
> By "blocked" then do you mean setAccessible(true) fails or specific
> exceptions like IllegalAccess*, InaccessibleObjectException or maybe
> SecurityException?

I mean SecurityException and InaccessibleObjectException.

> Does it meant that Groovy will work with strong encapsulation? I realize
> there are issues with support for dynamic code generation that aren't
> currently exposed in the API.

IllegalAccessException is a different story, Groovy does not do strong 
encapsulation in the Java sense. Well, it is more that the access 
modifiers have a slightly different meaning, but it goes probably too 
far to explain details.

bye Jochen

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